Some Italian protection in Iraq.

I woke up this morning to five explosions outside my tent but it was no big deal. It reminded me of that 4th of July display I went to last year. Went over to the dining facility and was served a huge breakfast meal that was fantastic. I gave the waiter a good tip for his excellent service. Since it was my day off decided I wasn't going to stick around the base today so I checked out our company vehicle and drove myself up to Baghdad to see the city. I hear there are interesting things going on there and I think that's the place where I want to be. On my way there I dodged an RPG that was fired, I ran over three IEDs and I was ambushed twice by insurgents. But through careful maneuvering of my truck I only managed to get a flat tire. Spent most of my day in the crowded market place with all the Iraqi people. They only shouted go home infidel twice. Drove back with double the action as when I went. A few more mortar attacks on the buildings around me. Had a great dinner. Tipped my waiter and went to bed. Tomorrow I hear there are good things happening in Najaf. Also there is a really cool Shiite Temple there I want to get pictures of. Well, having a great time here and I'm fine and safe.
Wait a minute..... that couldn't have happened. I only just arrived into Kuwait in my last journal entry. Got to keep the time line straight, don't I. My next journal entry, I will have just arrived at Kuwait airport.
(I have a little rep with my two amigos. They think I might be a little bit too adventurous. The narrative about me was provided by my amigo Steve. Very funny Steve.)
Hi James! I love your web site! Look forward to more info about your daily life and your answers to Holly and Tyler's questions. Hugs, Cuz Suki
Well Hi Sara (aka.. Suki)
Heard your not feeling your best lately. Your in my thoughts girl. Get better!
Yea, this web page of mine is pretty nifty. Now I can let everyone know what's up. More to come.
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