Monday, September 06, 2004

Something to do at the Camp.

MWR (Moral, Welfare & Recreation) tent at Camp Cedar II Posted by Hello

KBR (Kellogg, Brown & Root) a branch or subsidiary company of Halliburton are providing outstanding services here at Camp Cedar II. Yea I know, you mention the word Halliburton and stand back. You'll hear nothing good about them like; they got the contract in Iraq without putting in a bid; Vice-Pres Chaney, once it's CEO, got them the contract and Halliburton (and Chaney) are making multi-million profits off the contract which they don't deserve. This is all probably true but I can say one thing..... they are providing top notch service for the people here at Camp Cedar. They operate the dining facility, laundry, MWR, barber shop, water supply, electrical power, air conditioning, showers and toilets. I'm sure they supply many other services like the fuel depot and truck drivers we have here. I'll get off my soap box now.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Jason said...


jason mulgrew
internet quasi-celebrity


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