Friday, September 24, 2004

You know I'm low on photos if I put one of me on the BLOG.

Me, taken on the 2nd day in Iraq. Posted by Hello

We had two bands come to our camp earlier this month. No one famous but some pretty good talent just the same. The camp had made a stage for them by putting together two flatbed trailers. (Obviously, this was going to be an outside concert.) One band with singer played top 40 stuff and the other band played jazz. I love jazz. The last time and only time I had been at a concert happen to be an outside court in Hawaii. My daughter Natalie and I live there 1986-1989. Great experience. A girl I dated at the time wanted to go see Kenny G. When she asked me I said, "Kenny who?". Yea, ok.... you may know who he is NOW but back then, he was just getting started popular. He did bbcame quite popular appearing in lots of things in the early 90's. Now though, ask anyone who Kenny G is and you'll propably get the same answer I gave back in 1988. To get back to my story. We went to the outside theater in Wikiki called "The Shell". Layed on blankets on the hill slope under the night sky. Kenny G would walk among the audience playing the saxophone during some of his songs. I really enjoyed it.

Maybe we will get more bands here. Hmmmmmmmmm Last week an Iraqi man brought a camel to the camp. No, he didn't just ride in. He was sponsered by MWR. The event was for rides and photos. I missed it. Some real excitement around here and I am sleeping in from a 12 hour mid watch. Boy did I miss a good camera op.


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