Friday, October 08, 2004

Three months gone on this twelve month contract

Wow, three month gone already. Seems like just....... Who am I kidding! These three months have dragged. Slower then a snail scoot'n backwards. But not to panic. I'm fine and hanging in there, taking one day at a time. The plus's are that I haven't found a camel spider or scorpion or even a snake in my bed yet. Still checking. And yes that has happend. Not too sure about the snake but YES on the others. Our guys have seen them at the entrance of the tent and under the port-0-johns at work. We were told to stop wearing our flip-flops but instead boots at night when leaving the tent to go to the john or shower tent. The word is.... these snakes are poisonous vipers and deadly! I still wear my flip-flops. (: Got to put some chance and excitement into my life a round here. Janet, my good friend who is unfortunetly in prison, just wrote me saying I had a death wish for coming to Iraq. I don't think I do. It's more of trying to put some excitement into my life. Heck, I love living.

Life is good. Death is.... not so good. (You can quote me on that. ) One of the reasons I've been like a rolling stone since retiring from the Navy in 1997 is because I'm experiencing life. Because.... life is good! In my civilian life since 04/97, I've had 8 jobs and have lived in 4 countries (Germany, England, Greece & Iraq). Another reason ...... at 51, I still don't know what I want to be when I growup. At this rate it looks like what I'll be is just...... OLD! So, I'm still wandering and searching for that Holy Grail.


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