Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Something to be proud of!

Tonight, a Tuesaday one of my off days, it is 3:25am and I am a wake. I go outside my tent for some fresh air and to warm up a bit. It's a wee bit too cold in the tent for my liking but, the other guys like it that way. Liening against one of the concret barricades by the tent I see a female soldier walk by. The lighting was not full but it reviled a young black woman in her BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform) with a backpack heading off to work. She walked with confidence and a sense of being. Even though it is in the wee hours of the night I could see she was alert and ready to comment herself to whatever comes before her. Seeing her makes me proud of the young people we have today. "The Greatest Generation" is given to the men and women of WWII. That period was a time of great sacrifce and achievement. That was my father's generation. I guess my generation was Vietnam (I serviced 20 1/2 years in the Navy starting in 1972) and the generation of today is Iraq. Every generation faces it's own goliath. Being here in Iraq as a civlilain, although I don't see the combat that is shown on TV, I do see the young people who are here and if told to go into harms way for our country.... they would willing. (Just being in Iraq is being in harms way by it's self.) Is this generation not also a "Great Generation" ? I think so. No... I know so! My daughter, Natalite has seven years of service to this great country. She is of this new generation, the generation of the willing. I want every American to know... be proud of our young people. They are the greatest!


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