Friday, May 06, 2005

Two months to go.

Wow... just two months remaining on my twelve month contract. Where has all the time gone? ha ha Yea, I'm kidding... feels like I have been here two years instead of just the one. Well, I am at the point in my contract where I formally tell the company if I am staying for another twelve months or will be leaving. My contract ends on 05 July. What to do? What to do? Hmmmmmmmm Well, I have checked the company's latest bulletin which lists all the job openings. My job title is that of "Tech Controller" and here are the locations for which there are openings: Kuwait, Qatar, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti and of course ... here in Iraq. Nothing available in the U.S.. Well, I have decided that I would NOT renew my contract. The money is good... $140,000 plus but money is not everything. I am missing life in the good ole USA. This always happen to me when I go out on an overseas contract. Even though I enjoy living overseas I can only be gone for just so long before wanting to come back. Since I retired from the US Navy in April 1997, I have lived in Germany, England, Crete Greece and now in Iraq. All nice places to live, well with the exception of Iraq, but you know... there is no place like home. Plus, I am tired of sleeping and showering in a tents and eating with plasticware. ha ha

I have started a "To Do" list for when I get back. It seems to be taking on a life of it's own. Each day it gets longer and longer. The first thing on my list is visiting with family and friends. This could take a while. No one seems to live close to one another. Hmmmmm I wonder if that is by choice or chance. ha ha Father and step-mom in Arkansas, one sister in Texas, another in Alabama, my daughter in the Florida panhandle, a step-son in Southern Florida and another step-son in California, my best guy friend in Maryland and some close friends in Jacksonville.

Next will be house moving. Or should I say, moving back into the house. After all the visiting, if my car hasn't died on the side of the road, I will start the process of moving back into my Jacksonville, Florida house. I've had the house since 1993 and for the pass six years I have had it rented out due to my extensive moving around. I am ready to move back in, re-acquaint myself with the local community and meet and make new friends.

I guess after all that, I should find a job. No problem. Got that one figured out already.

More later,
Take care everyone


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