Thursday, February 24, 2005

Back from vacationing in Australia

paragliding in Australia Posted by Hello

Hi all. I debated in my head whether or not to continue my BLOG. There was a company memo saying all BLOGs "should be" closed down for security reasons or face loosing your security clearance. I am very particular in what I put in mine being extremely careful not to mention anything of a sensitive nature that could be used as intel for the "bad guys". My decision was to continue mine.

Australia was awesome. What a great country. It was mine and my daughter's first time there. Needless to say we had the time of our lives both with the paragliding experience and the sights and people of Australia. The guys, Ted, Pete and Fred at Alpine Paraglidng in the town of Bright were super. The photo is the launch area on top of Mystic mountain. I'll put a couple more photos up later.

After the 9 day course we went back to Melbourne for a couple of days and then rented a car for the last 2 remaining days of the trip. Natalie and I wasn't sure what to go see cause Australia is so huge. It was decided to drive the "Great Ocean Road". It's a beautiful drive along the southern coastline of Victoria. The road is quite similar to "Pacific Coast Hwy" in California. I'll post a couple of those photos too.

After spending nearly 2 1/2 weeks in sunny and warm Australia it was somewhat a reality check to return to cold and wet Iraq. What's the saying, "Good things don't last forever".

Will tell more of the trip in my next BLOG.


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