Thursday, October 14, 2004

Photo op in front of the sign

At the office... Camp Cedar II Posted by Hello

This photo was taken on one of my off days. I can tell because I am wearing shorts. When on watch in the trailer I always wear pants. Not because it is against the rules to wear shorts but because the AC temp is set so low. I freeze in there. Brrrrrrr Have to have the temp low to protect the electronic gear. I also wear a sweeter as well. Yeah so, that is me and to my right is US Army Sgt Hodges. I can't remember how many times people has asked me what's wrong with him. He does look a little odd doesn't he. The truth is.... when we removed our sunglasses for the photo, the sun was so bright that it was difficult to keep from squinting. I guess he had a more difficult time then me.


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