Tuesday, November 23, 2004

A Change in the Weather

Remember the saying, "Be careful for what you ask for, you just might get it." Well, when it was hot and dusty. I really mean HOT and DUSTY!, I asked for a change in the weather like.... not as hot and not as dusty. Well, I got what I asked for and more. Now we have cold and muddy. Oh yea and rainy too. A lot of the camp is on gravel but there are still many areas that are not. The walking areas once hard dried dirt, resembling the texture of cement, is now soft mud. And it's not all the soupy kind either. You know the kind that when you step in it, it splashes. That wouldn't be too bad. No, we have the kind of mud that when you step in it, it sticks to your boot like peanut butter. And the more you walk in it the more you add to it so that after a few steps each boot has the added weight of a couple pound of mud. What's amusing to all this is to watch people trying to get around. Some look like they're playing Hop Scotch or walking through a mine field. All picking their steps carefully to avoid stepping into the muddy areas. The sad thing is I'm one of those people and worse still... our muddy mess is going to get worse before it gets better. Well, I guess it's time for me to pull out my Army issue galoshes.


At 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The hell with all that Hot, Cold, Mud and Rain, I wish you were back here Buddy.It has to be crazy over there, but if it wasn't for good people like you and many others that are making the sacrifice so that the rest of us can stay FREE and live life the way
that we all are meant to live it. I for one Jim want again to say THANK YOU. When you come home we are going to have too PARTY big time. I'm praying for you and all the other BRAVE SOULS over there...... Take care Jim, God Bless

I will write again soon



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