Friday, December 16, 2005

From Iraq to now... Saipan

Hi every one.
In my last post, I had two months remaining in Iraq. Well, the two months came and went. I out processed at Fort Bliss, Texas and went around visiting with family and friends. That is no easy task. No one seem to want to live in the same town. No, make that the same state. Father and his wife in Arkansas, one sister in Texas, another in Alabama, a daughter in Florida. It's a regular routine with me. After returning from overseas, I make my rounds seeing everyone. I did it when I left England, when I left Greece and this last time when I left Iraq. It's easier for me to make the visiting rounds since I am the "Free" one. I do enjoy it and it is great seeing everyone again.

I moved back into my house in Jacksonville, Florida in July with the help of Natalie's half brother, Reggie. Who by the way lives in California. The renters this time left the house in pretty good shape. The only real damage was done by their two pit bulls. They seem to like the taste of my kitchen cabinets and nearly all the door frames in the house. I made a promise to myself that I would not rent my house out again, ever. I would sell it first before another renter would make their mark or their animals mark on the place.

I have a new neighbor next door. When I left there was just a wooded lot. Now there is a nice home and a very large wooden privacy fence between us. The new neighbor, Matt, said he really needed to put that up cause my renters were a bit out of control. Hmmmm Like their pit bulls no doubt. Since I have moved back in, Matt has removed some sections of the fence.

Dating. Yep. Did some of that when I got back. My Dad will be happy to hear that. Ha I met with an "undisclosed" number of ladies who found me in Yahoo personals. The number is under 100. Yea, right. In my dreams. Ha ha Not all my type. But there is a special someone. Who knows where that will lead. You've got to put yourself out there, right? Take a chance.

Let me accelerate up to the present time.... 15Dec05. I got hired by a company called Dyn Marine Services. They have a contract with the U.S. Navy to provide communication support on three ships. This function, in the past, was performed my U.S. Navy radioman. I am presently on one named M/V Lummus and it is normally at anchor at the island of Saipan. Which it is as I speak. I have been here less than a week. My tour is for 4 months.

In my next blog I will fill you in from the time I left my house on 4Dec05 to present.

Well, I am back at writing my Blog and I hope you all enjoy reading it.


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