Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas in Saipan

Last year... Christmas in Iraq. This year... Christmas in Saipan. Maybe next year... Christmas in the U.S..

Merry Christmas everyone!

Aaron, our Lan manager, thought of getting all of us Dyn Marine guys together for a Christmas Eve ashore. Dinner at Tony Romas was decided upon. Myself, Bob, Mike, Aaron and Lt. Kalista (Staff Operations Officer) boarded the 5pm water taxi for the trip ashore. The sea swells were pretty strong which meant getting on the water taxi was like hopping on a moving roller coaster. We took it all in stride. Part of tonight's entertainment. Once ashore, we all got into the staff's van and headed for the restaurant. It's just a 5-10 minute ride away. The restaurant was fairly empty when we arrived and wouldn't start filling up until an hour or so later. It was very nicely decorated with Christmas decorations. The music, when we first arrived, sounded like hits of the 80's but later changed to Christmas music. Which was bad and good. Bad because we were really getting a kick from naming the artist and bands of the various songs and good because, well... it was Christmas after all. We ordered drinks and waited for Aaron's finesse to arrive before ordering our food. She, a very attractive Chinese girl named Snow, soon arrived. The food was ordered along with more drinks. I neglected to bring my camera but Bob had his. A small thing no bigger then a pack of cigarettes. NOT Bob, the camera! My several attempts to take photos brought on the laughs by all. It seemed the camera had a mind of it's own when to work. After returning the camera back to Bob, he had no better luck then I. I felt somewhat redeemed. The food was good and so was the company. But, the night was not over.

After dinner we walked down a block to a bar called Godfathers. It was rumored to be serving free drinks. It was true! Free drinks until 9pm. They also had free food (or what was left of it by the time we got there) and a live band. The place is a favorite hang out for mariners. Tonight it was full of them along with some local ladies. The band was good. The free drinks better. But, I could not stay long. I had the 10:30pm to 06:30am Radio watch. I had to be back at the landing to catch the 9pm water taxi. Snow had her cell phone and called me a taxi. Within minutes it arrived. I said goodnight to all and jumped in my ride.

I arrived back on the ship with time to spare. Took a shower. A change of clothes and after making a trip to the mess decks for some much needed coffee, I arrived in the Radio Room to relieve Dan right on time. The night watch went smooth and quite. In the morning, after getting relieved, I went down for breakfast. The Christmas dinner menus were already out on the tables. Hmmmmm Prime Rib, ham, goose and all the trimmings to be served at noon. What no turkey, dressing and gravy? After breakfast I went to my room and hopped in the bed. When I woke, I had missed the Christmas meal. No problem. The regular meal at 5pm was just fine.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and or friends.


At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jim!
Merry Christmas! Sounds like your Christmas was great. Me too! We had Christmas with Arnie's Daughter-Brenda and Her boyfriend and his son and just relaxed. It's been a long Christmas. Dad and Fay went to Herman's, and Lynn Had all her Kids together. The only thing better if we had all been together.
Love you bunches

At 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays, James!
Is it true? Have you done it again? Why am I so surprized? After all, you're last name is Bond, isn't it?
I plan to call Chiselle this coming week-end and see if I can plot a visit with her soon. Wish I could see you too. I plan to check-in with Lynn as well. I'm trying to contact folks before I move this time. Yes, I'll be moving again in Feb. Downsizing - a lot. Might be moving short-term to WY unless I find the right house or duplex to buy here in the next 6 weeks.
Sure do miss you! Have fun but take care. Love ya.


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