Saturday, December 11, 2004

Wow! Christmas in Iraq. Happy Holidays everyone.

My vacation in Australia Posted by Hello

I will be spending Christmas in Iraq this year. One of many times that I have spend the holidays away from family and friends. When you spend 20 plus years in the military as well as work as a civilian contractor overseas, it's going to happen. Don't like it but.... that's life. I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Everyone stay safe. When I return in July, I wanted to be able to visit with you all.

Well, you know now that I am not coming back to the States for the holidays. I do plan on taking vacation but not until the end of January. By that time I will have 6 months remaining on my 12 month contract and will have generated enough time for a couple of weeks of vacation. Having said that, I'm not coming home at that time either. Sorry everyone. If I did... who would I go to see? Everyone is so spread out all over the country I'd be spending more time on the road then with the people I came to see. No, I'll waiting until I return in July to do that. For my vacation I have decided to go to Australia. There are three reasons why I am going there; 1) I have never been there before 2) it will be Summer time there. What a nice break from the cold and rain here. and 3) I will be taking paragliding lessons. I have been wanting to paraglide for many years. For those of you who are not familiar with paragliding check out the photo above. Basically you are suspended from a wing shaped parachute after launching yourself off a hill or mountain. No free falling like in sky diving. If you do free fall... there is something seriously wrong. Ideally you try to stay aloft as long as possible by catching up drafts and thermals. There is a paragliding outfit, Alpine Paragliding, in Bright who gives lessons. Bright is located in the southeast part of Australia about 4 hours drive East of Melbourne. Their web site is if you want to see what I'm getting myself into. Oh! Did I say myself. I meant to say, getting myself and Natalie (my 27yr old daughter) into. The daredevil herself is coming with me. The one who laughs at the scariest theme park rides. The same one of has be in a glider plane at the age of 11 and on her 18th birthday went parachuting. That daredevil. The last vacation we spent together was back in 1992 when we went to Tenerife in the Canary Islands. We are both excited about this trip. Will tell you all about it with pictures later.

Well, happy holidays ya'll. Stay safe.