Friday, April 07, 2006

Returning to Jacksonville on 11May

Hi all,

Wow... I started this "post" 10 days ago and never finished it. Lazy or too busy??? Oh yea right right... too busy. (; Let's see if I can hammer this out and get it published.

Well, my four month tour on the ship, MV 1st Lt. Jack Lummus, will end up being five months. Seems the head office needed me to stay a month longer due to personnel scheduling problems.

Some good news, I now have a flight reservation for my return back to the States. I will be arriving into Jacksonville on 11May. I am ready. There are no days off while on the ship. We are worked like slaves around here. Oh God when will it ever end???? We are fed fish heads and rice and they make us sleep on a bed of nails. And the worst part, they make us wear our underwear for a week at a time before we can change them. Nah... just kidding. ha ha The part about working 7 days a week is true though.

I have created a "To Do" list of things I want to accomplish during my two months vacation. Gives me something to do and think about during the quiet times. I did the same thing when I was in Iraq. I actually finished must of the things on my Iraq "To Do" list. A new driveway was one of the items. Got that done and it looks great. One of the things I would really like to do, when I get back, is hire a landscape designer and have my front and backyard (particularly the backyard) professionally landscaped. If you ever saw my property you would understand. And sense the only folks that have seem my house is Dad and Fay..... I would love to have you'll come visit me sometime.

Wish I had some new news about some off the ship adventures to tell ya. But there hasn't been any. Have been staying onboard the ship most the time. I did leave the ship a couple of time within the last month but that was only to have a couple of glasses of wine and relax a bit. No sightseeing involved. No Kodak moments. Oh, the pic above with the flag, palm trees and mountains...... I took that maybe a month ago. It was taken on the Navy base on Guam.

Well, I'm going to end this now. I promise to post a couple more before I leave here.



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