Sunday, June 20, 2010

Living/working again in Iraq

Wow.... it's been a while since I posted on my blog. My apolozies to every one.
At the moment, I am living/working on Joint Base Balad (JBB) Iraq. As you may remember, I spent a year in Iraq in 2004/5. I'm with the same company ITT Industries doing the same job .. military communications. Only this time I am not down South (Camp Ceder II near Tallil) but up North about 80 miles north of Baghdad. I arrived here on 4March2010. I signed on for 1 year but I've been thinking of staying longer.
Before coming here... I tried my hand at starting up a copier sales/repair business. It lasted a whole 6months before I decided to pack it in. The business never made much money and I was getting deeper in debt. Ego.. here I am in Iraq.
Before the ill fated business... I worked for Dyn Marine Services. That was a fun job. In my next post I will tell ya'll about it. How working for Dyn Marine Services I got to return to shipboard life working in the communications room and going to the 4 corners for the earth.


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