Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Back home in Jacksonville

Well, here I am back home. Feels great! Arrived here on 11May. The flight was better than most. I went on-line before hand and pick my own seats for the various legs of the flight.... Guam to Hawaii, Hawaii to Houston and Houston to Jacksonville. I didn't want to find myself in the middle seat between two sumo size people.

I found the house covered in leaves (I've got huge oak trees enveloping my property) and much to my happiness.... the house still standing. My neighbor, Matt, his son kept my yard mowed for me. I know the inside was ok cause I had my other neighbor, Ruth, check the inside last month. It is a real blessing to have good neighbors.

Fast forward to following weekend... I've got daughter Natalie and her boyfriend, Pedro and step-son Reggie here. Nice having a house full of family. Pedro had to go back to Panama City for work on Monday. Natalie and Reggie are staying until the end of the month. Reggie lives in San Diego and plans to return later this Summer to live at the house. He is a college student and has already been accepted to Jacksonville University and University of North Florida. Reggie has been wanting to come live closer to his family here in Florida. So...this arrangement will work out great for the both of us. He will live here in the house rent free (he pays utilities, cable, internet, etc.) in exchange for looking after the house while I am gone. (I am scheduled to leave again in July for 4 months.)

Closing now... Reggie just cooked us breakfast.... again. (smile)


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