Saturday, July 22, 2006

Short 2 months off... now back at Saipan. What happened during my time off?

Wow... last posting saying how I made it back home to Jacksonville. Now this one is saying I just made it back to the ship located at Guam/Saipan.

During my 2 months off, I relaxed, visited with family and friends and planned some home improvements.

Myself, Natalie, Chiselle & Arnold and Lynn were all up at Arkansas for Dad's 82nd birthday. That was 9June. He looked great. Fay too. We all enjoyed being together again. Which doesn't happen all that often. I mean... the opportunity to all get together.

Sara, my 1st cousin, came to my place for a visit. Her first time to Florida. I took her sightseeing around Jacksonville and St. Augustine. I think she had a good time. I did. Sara has moved from Austin, Texas to Riverton, Wyoming. That is where her mom and dad, Ada & Arnie, are living. Sara is in the process of purchasing a house with 10 acres of land. She told me all about it and it all sounds great. I look forward to going up there for a visit once she is all situated.

Reggie, Natalie's younger brother, has moved from California to come live at my house and go to school full time. He has been accepted to the University of North Florida as a junior year student. Classes start I believe in September. Reggie had his 26th birthday on 22June.

Dominique, Natalie's older brother, came to the house twice. Once bringing the kids, DJ (9yrs) and Doresabelle (5yrs). Cute kids. The second time he came with is wife Dolo. They had just returned from spending a week in France on their belated honeymoon. Ten years belated. They spent time in Paris and Normandy and since they both speak French fluently, I am sure they had an amazing time there.

I have some home improvements that I am excited about. For sometime I had been wanting to get a landscape designer to design some easy to manage landscape around the house and to design a new backyard patio. Well, Tony Evans with 5Star Design has done that. In addition to the landscape work, I am also getting a 3 car garage built and Tony was instrumental in it's placement. Before I left to come here, I made all the arrangements to have all the work done. It's unfortunate I will not be there to see it all come together. However, Reggie will be there to assist if needed and to keep me up to date on it's progress. As I get pics from Reggie of the work, I'll put them on my BLOG for all to see. When I get back in Mid November, it will be like coming home to a new place. I am really excited about it.

Well, like I said in the beginning of this posting, I am back at Saipan. Left Jacksonville on 16July and arrived into Guam on the 17th. I was picked up at the airport by the detachment manager and taken to the ship. Same ship and same stateroom. Kinda feels like I never left. Everyone but one who I worked with before have transferred off either on vacation or to another ship.

Well, my next posting will bring you up to date since I have been on board.
