Monday, December 26, 2005

Christmas in Saipan

Last year... Christmas in Iraq. This year... Christmas in Saipan. Maybe next year... Christmas in the U.S..

Merry Christmas everyone!

Aaron, our Lan manager, thought of getting all of us Dyn Marine guys together for a Christmas Eve ashore. Dinner at Tony Romas was decided upon. Myself, Bob, Mike, Aaron and Lt. Kalista (Staff Operations Officer) boarded the 5pm water taxi for the trip ashore. The sea swells were pretty strong which meant getting on the water taxi was like hopping on a moving roller coaster. We took it all in stride. Part of tonight's entertainment. Once ashore, we all got into the staff's van and headed for the restaurant. It's just a 5-10 minute ride away. The restaurant was fairly empty when we arrived and wouldn't start filling up until an hour or so later. It was very nicely decorated with Christmas decorations. The music, when we first arrived, sounded like hits of the 80's but later changed to Christmas music. Which was bad and good. Bad because we were really getting a kick from naming the artist and bands of the various songs and good because, well... it was Christmas after all. We ordered drinks and waited for Aaron's finesse to arrive before ordering our food. She, a very attractive Chinese girl named Snow, soon arrived. The food was ordered along with more drinks. I neglected to bring my camera but Bob had his. A small thing no bigger then a pack of cigarettes. NOT Bob, the camera! My several attempts to take photos brought on the laughs by all. It seemed the camera had a mind of it's own when to work. After returning the camera back to Bob, he had no better luck then I. I felt somewhat redeemed. The food was good and so was the company. But, the night was not over.

After dinner we walked down a block to a bar called Godfathers. It was rumored to be serving free drinks. It was true! Free drinks until 9pm. They also had free food (or what was left of it by the time we got there) and a live band. The place is a favorite hang out for mariners. Tonight it was full of them along with some local ladies. The band was good. The free drinks better. But, I could not stay long. I had the 10:30pm to 06:30am Radio watch. I had to be back at the landing to catch the 9pm water taxi. Snow had her cell phone and called me a taxi. Within minutes it arrived. I said goodnight to all and jumped in my ride.

I arrived back on the ship with time to spare. Took a shower. A change of clothes and after making a trip to the mess decks for some much needed coffee, I arrived in the Radio Room to relieve Dan right on time. The night watch went smooth and quite. In the morning, after getting relieved, I went down for breakfast. The Christmas dinner menus were already out on the tables. Hmmmmm Prime Rib, ham, goose and all the trimmings to be served at noon. What no turkey, dressing and gravy? After breakfast I went to my room and hopped in the bed. When I woke, I had missed the Christmas meal. No problem. The regular meal at 5pm was just fine.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and or friends.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Going to my new job.

After leaving ITT Industries in Iraq on 5July05 until leaving for my new job with Dyn Marines Services on 4Dec05, I spend my time working around my house and visiting with relatives. From the "TO DO" list for the house that I started while in Iraq, I pretty much accomplished everything. The major item was to get the driveway culvets replaced and a new concret driveway put in. It turned out nice. I had hoped of finding employment there in Jacksonville so that I could live in my own house for a change. Since purchasing it in 1993, I've had it rented out for the past 6 years. Maybe later after I have had enough shipboard life with Dyn Marine I will move full time into the house. As it is now, I will only occupy it in between my time on the ship.

Well, on 4Dec05 I flew from Jacksonville, Florida to Norfolk, Virginia. At Norfolk I attended a one week operator course on the "Best" system. This is a satellite system that allows the ship to have phone service underway and classified and unclassified internet. The ship's primary source of sending and receiving messages is provided by another satellite system. One that I am already familiar from my time in the Navy.

On 10Dec05, I flew from Norfolk to Houston to Hawaii to Guam and finally arriving on Saipan at 8:30PM 11Dec05. Yea... it was a long one. I arrived a bit tired. My luggage did not. Arrive that is. Bob, my boss (Det Manager) and Dan, co-worker, met me at the airport. The ship is always at anchor here at Saipan. Transportation to and from the ship is by water taxi (basicly a crew boat) on a set schedule. We had two hours to kill until the next taxi so we went to a bar they frequent. By the time we had two beers and Bob quit flirting with the Philippino bar girls it was time to go. It is only a 20 minute taxi ride to the ship. I found getting on and off the ship is a challenge. Particularly if there are rough seas. The water taxi backs in and holds it's self against the stern of the ship while the pasengers climb, hand over hand, up a ladder that is welded to the stern of the ship. Timing is everything as to when to start your climb. You wait until the sea swell has lifted the taxi up to it's highest point before reaching for the run of the ladder. Being crushed between the ship and the taxi is quite possible if you grab for the ladder too low or if you happen to slip and fall. No one told me but, that is not a good thing. In fact, that can really really spoil the rest of your day. Bags, packages and other items are lifted up by rope.

Haven sucessfully made it aboard the ship, I was shown to my room. Everyone has their own room with private bathroom. We said goodnight and went to bed. The next day we returned to the airport and found both my bags had arrived. Happy days!

Friday, December 16, 2005

From Iraq to now... Saipan

Hi every one.
In my last post, I had two months remaining in Iraq. Well, the two months came and went. I out processed at Fort Bliss, Texas and went around visiting with family and friends. That is no easy task. No one seem to want to live in the same town. No, make that the same state. Father and his wife in Arkansas, one sister in Texas, another in Alabama, a daughter in Florida. It's a regular routine with me. After returning from overseas, I make my rounds seeing everyone. I did it when I left England, when I left Greece and this last time when I left Iraq. It's easier for me to make the visiting rounds since I am the "Free" one. I do enjoy it and it is great seeing everyone again.

I moved back into my house in Jacksonville, Florida in July with the help of Natalie's half brother, Reggie. Who by the way lives in California. The renters this time left the house in pretty good shape. The only real damage was done by their two pit bulls. They seem to like the taste of my kitchen cabinets and nearly all the door frames in the house. I made a promise to myself that I would not rent my house out again, ever. I would sell it first before another renter would make their mark or their animals mark on the place.

I have a new neighbor next door. When I left there was just a wooded lot. Now there is a nice home and a very large wooden privacy fence between us. The new neighbor, Matt, said he really needed to put that up cause my renters were a bit out of control. Hmmmm Like their pit bulls no doubt. Since I have moved back in, Matt has removed some sections of the fence.

Dating. Yep. Did some of that when I got back. My Dad will be happy to hear that. Ha I met with an "undisclosed" number of ladies who found me in Yahoo personals. The number is under 100. Yea, right. In my dreams. Ha ha Not all my type. But there is a special someone. Who knows where that will lead. You've got to put yourself out there, right? Take a chance.

Let me accelerate up to the present time.... 15Dec05. I got hired by a company called Dyn Marine Services. They have a contract with the U.S. Navy to provide communication support on three ships. This function, in the past, was performed my U.S. Navy radioman. I am presently on one named M/V Lummus and it is normally at anchor at the island of Saipan. Which it is as I speak. I have been here less than a week. My tour is for 4 months.

In my next blog I will fill you in from the time I left my house on 4Dec05 to present.

Well, I am back at writing my Blog and I hope you all enjoy reading it.